Madvillain (MF DOOM & Madlib) - Madvillainy
Though the cool promo 45 that HipHopSite offered has met a bunch of delays, I did get the CD from them today, which was an awesome surprise (I also got a cool poster of the album cover). Yes, my friends, this album is worth the hype. Now, I definitely agree with the folks who say that this album challenges the current conceptions of what a hip-hop album is, or how a hip-hop song is structured and composed, but that just means you gotta listen to it for awhile to get to it. I've listened to it twice already, brilliant stuff. It's hard to break it into tracks, but my favorites so far are "Figaro," "Great Day Today," and "Meatgrinder."
John's brother has been visiting, which has been really cool, he's a good guy. Last night we went to Hounddogs/Ravari Room (the Ravari Room jukebox is pretty awesome, yo) and then made it down to Dick's Den to see the jazz-funk band Alias, led by Jim Maneri. We caught the first set, which was 4 songs in about an hour, including classics by Stevie Wonder, Herbie Hancock, and Art Blakey. It was a good time, and the band was killin' it!
Thursday night's rock adventure was tremendous. Rockstar extraordinaire Ashley and I went to Andyman's, where we met up with Franz and Heather. Sam Brown's supergroup You're So Bossy was awesome. His wife (who plays in local band Estee Louder, great name) was on the drums, and she was hittin 'em hard! They went into some funky track, and I about lost it. 84 Nash rocked extremely hard as well, playing new songs and a few old ones, with lots of crazy stage banter as well. I hope You're So Bossy plays out more, but I doubt it will happen. Now we just need that Sun full-length to come out.
Chappelle's Show, Season 2, continues its record pace. Best show on television, period. "Breast milk, you made my day-ee-aay!" Hilarious. And tonight I just saw the week before's episode for the first time, the Oprah segment was great. Chappelle for President!
OK, I gotta go rock the Mannhaus party, you all should too. Some day I will sleep, but I don't see it happening soon.
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