Monday, February 23, 2004

Good ol' OSU

gave Chops and I a pretty funny show for free at the Schott. When we got there (parking was free too, damn!), the opener was in the middle of his routine. I wish I knew what his name was, because he was pretty funny. One of the most memorable parts of his act was describing his inability to watch some double penetration porno, as the idea of two wangs so close together would make him faint. Pretty good for a nameless opening comic. Chris Rock came out to "Lose Yourself" (lame, haha) and went on to deliver a quality hour and 20 minute set. He did alot of racial stuff, no surprise, and as alot of routines go these days, discussed some serious stuff. So why were the dumb white girls in front of us laughing at some of these thoughts? I guess because it was something Chris Rock said. For instance, he was talking about the insanity of slavery and how the strong ones survived and the smart ones were killed, and this girl is cracking up. Wait for the punchline!!! This is called setup, building the culture of the joke. You gotta wait for the punchline. But yes, Chris Rock was funny, pretty good for not touring for 4 or 5 years. Thanks for the tickets John, you're a good guy.

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