Now, one may think that severe technical problems (aka Internet/Cable non-functional for most of the day) and a MYSTERIOUS ILLNESS~! would add up to the end of this miraculous streak of continuous content here at Funky Daggers. FALSE!!! I'm alive and on the internet. Now, I don't have anything superfunky to say, unfortunately. I did play some funky jazz (at times) tonight at Surly Girl Saloon. True Skills played my favorite track off the aforementioned Whitefield Brothers album and I remain jealous that he has it. The best funky news I've heard lately came my way yesterday...Andy "The Man" Napier will attend the Budos Band show Thursday night! Thanks, Columbus State! I can't wait, can't wait!

So, thank you for letting me off the "MAJOR CONTENT" hook tonight, blogosphere. Funky typins will continue to issue forth through Thursday, so stay tuned!
Also, I just noticed that my link for this site still says "Blooged Out Since Cub Scouts" and I REFUSE to update it. BRING IT BACK, OPS!
Yeah, I dunno. I just heard about another blog that is called "My Posse's On Blog-way." ROFL, I can't match that!
It should have been you! WHAT HAPPENED?
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