I'm sharpening my HTML skills into a razor-sharp lance with which to run-through the competition. Victory shall be mine! It doesn't take much success in manipulating the internets to make me happy. Nevermind.
In 10 days, Columbus shall host its funkiest concert ever, or at least since 1973. Of course, I DJ for the outfit that is presenting this event (FunkDefy!). However, I can honestly say that for me, as a fan of modern funk (or to use the Dusty Groove term, "Deep Funk") for about 5 years, this is the best (only???) show of that realm to hit town since I've been paying attention. I mean, if you told young Andrew "Funky D" Patton in the summer of 2002 that he would be an opening DJ for a band on Daptone Records, I really don't know what the chap would have done. In the early stages (and sadly, peak) of "The Wooster Funk Posse," I'm pretty sure my mind would have been blown at such news.
So, here's the deal: On Thursday, August 16th, at the Ravari Room, the FunkDefy DJs (featuring sets from Numeric, Ginsu, and yours truly, Funky D) will spin some opening sets (starting at 9) before giving way to Staten Island's own:

The Budos Band!
Comprised of members of Sharon Jones' Dap-Kings and other NYC funk luminaries, this band's sharp Afro-Funk is quite dazzling. So, Columbus, I will be counting down to this show with daily (!) posts highlighting funky musics and happenings in the world around us. I will make it! See it and believe it!
Oh, man. If only it were Wednesday the FIFTEENTH. Tough break.
I'm going to be in Thurston on Thursday and Friday that week.
Por que?
It's the first time Amy doesn't have the kids pretty much this year and we'd been planning on spending time together for the past couple months.
Kool. XL.
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