Yeah, you already knew what it was called, but I repeated it for effect, see? So starting last night, I am seeing a show of some sort the first seven nights of May. Crazy? Yes, especially since it coincides with the first day of my new job tomorrow, but this is oh-so-necessary for my well-being, and it's training for Bonnaroo, which I am indeed attending this year, after plenty of foot-draggin by my friends to the north. Anyway, here is the rest of the schedule, in case any of y'all are interested/need reminding:
Monday: After some deliberation and consultation of availability of funds, I think I have decided on the show called GEORGE MOSHINGTON at Bernies after picking up a flyer for it at the Dube the other night. Four rock bands including names like Fat Girls by the Snack Table and From My Cold Dead Sandwich for $5??? Hellz yeeeeah. Someone's GOTTA be with me on this one.
Tuesday: Well, I think you all know what Tuesday is, yes, that's right, my big ol' vinyl spinnin' debut at the Ravari Room. It's gonna be awesome, so you better all be there. But since this will not be an actual show, in order to silence any possible critics of these 7 labors, I will try to run across the street to Oldfields and catch Flip the Early Riser's set at the weekly Soul Gathering, as I hear he has a new EP coming out to celebrate. Join me, won't you?
Wednesday: The well-hyped (here, at least) Apples in Stereo/High Water Marks/Apollo Sunshine show at Little Brothers. EUREKA!!!
Thursday: Heroes of History/Go Evol Shiki/The Husher (I think) at Ruby Tuesdays. Rock your socks off, then buy cheap, one-of-a-kind Heroes of History merchandise! I'm wearing my shirt now!
Friday: In a fitting conclusion to the 7 Labors, the return of Electric Six to Little Brothers. Wooster graduation parties be damned!!!
That's the future, here's the very recent past:
Labor #2:

Yes indeed, tonight I witnessed the rock of the Butchies and the "anti-folk" of Kimya Dawson (Moldy Peaches) at Little Brothers. It was a good show. Sure, I was one of no more than 10 straight guys in the entire building, but who cares? Lesbians can rock, and the Butchies are proof. A little cheesy, and as a joke, the drummer did run up and kiss the lead singer on the lips once, but all's fair in rock and roll, right? And ol' Kimya did a good chick-with-guitar set that included some pretty witty numbers. Plus, I was out of there by 9:15, you can't argue with that.
Labor #1: Saturday night was a good time. It started with meeting up with some now former co-workers and their fiancees for dinner at Mi Mexico. Then, Chops, Jerome, and I went to a party on campus thrown by Denyse and Tina from back in the ol' CAHS days. Good times. At around 1:10, Jerome dropped us off on the way back to catch the release party for Wicked Lung & the Wookalar at the Ravari Room. They put on another quality set, more stuffed animals bit the dust, and all were sent home happy. Plus, the CD is a $5 ROCK BARGAIN! It was a quality first labor.
OK, that's enough about the Seven Labors. Last Tuesday's Def Jux show was good, so I better give you some quick thoughts. It was good to say hey to the SA Smash guys and assorted friends that used to live next to Renkes down on Blake. The first performer, 4th Pyramid, was quite lame, as expected. For some reason, the Perceptionists (Mr. Lif, Akrobatik, and DJ Fakts One) went on next, and rocked it hard. Akro did "Internet MCs" and I freaked out, it was great. Then Murs came on with Scarub from the Living Legends and continued the hard-rocking. It was during this set that the announced "Special Guest" made himself known. After playing keyboards for most of the set, when "Risky Business" started up, the keyboardist came out front, put on some funny glasses, and revealed himself to be Shock G/Humpty Hump!!! It was great. After that, he played the music for "I Get Around" and gave us a taste of his verse. Another great set from Murs. SA Smash rounded out the night with what had to be the best set I've ever seen them do. Less stereotypical gangster posing and noise-making, more quality hip-hop, though sadly, there was no "Hold the Floor." There was crazy moshing at points, including involvement from Murs and broken beer bottles. So it was an awesome show. I shook hands with Murs and told him it was fun moshing with him, and also got some dap from Shock G, both good guys.
Alright, that's another grotesque monster of a blog entry. Please come and cheer on Rock-u-leeez at a live music venue near you. Goodnight.
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