So though no one really seems to care too much about the recent lack of updates, here is one anyway. Olentangy 90510 (this is the name of my apartment if it was a primetime soap opera) recently lost another resident, Jamie, and her computer. So there is currently no internet access at the pad. This should be remedied soon, and posting will return to its already slow pace.
The Mannhaus party was rather kickin'. Sure, there was a drunk slore who bit off a dude's tongue and did nothing of redeeming value, and lots of other drunken conflicts, shenanigans, and hippies, but these things just add character. The music was damn good, including a performance by a band called The Bureau (I forget where they're from) that rocked considerably. My set lasted about two hours, and I kicked out some funk, rock, hip-hop smashes, organ jazz covers of Human League, and the damn canaries doing the Mexican Hat Dance. There is no setlist preserved from this wild fiesta, but rest assured it kicked your ass.
Comfest was also a good time. I made it to all three days, though Friday night's visit was a short one after seeing Fahrenheit 9/11. Lotsa good bands, including a fine performance by Emily's friend Zane's dad Chief Johnny Lonesome at the Blues tent on Sunday night. The Sun sounded good, Hoo Doo Soul rocked a Sunday like noone else can, Jello Biafra went on for days about "Freedom is...", and all were happy. Sadly, I missed the latin band Deja Vu, partially comprised of co-workers of mine, but it was Sunday afternoon at 2:20, and I was still getting my 8 hours o' sleep after the party.
I hope everyone has a good 4th of July weekend. Tonight I'm going downtown with my sister Emily and her friend Julie to the Boom Bash headlined by They Might Be Giants and followed by good ol' Red White and Boom. Tomorrow afternoon I will see Coffee & Cigarettes with Andy (the more the merrier) and tomorrow night I might catch Jaga Jazzist at the Wex. The 4th itself should include Whetstone fireworks and the "Off the Clock" release party at Bernies, can't wait. HAPPY AMERICA STUFF!!!!!
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