T minus 53 days.....
I think I have stumbled upon a new lazy way to generate post titles for the next, well, 53 days. According to the man himself, Envelope's full-length debut is dropping March 4th. In my nerdy opinion, I think this will be a Columbus hip-hop sureshot banger for a long time coming. Soooo, the countdown begins now. Get ready!
The next post from me will be my 2004 Year In Review. I don't know if I'm any more ready now than I was before, but I'm tired of putting it off. Get ready for the jamz!

Friday night was a helluva time at Cafe Bourbon Street. It was the grand celebration of Andy's 22nd birthday, and boy did we do it right. 84 Nash was the headlining band, but it was kinda cool/different that they played second after Little Neon Wilderness, who were pretty good. The Nash rocked all sorts of tasty old jams, and plenty of new jams that will rock your socks off in 2008. Ha. After their set, they ripped out pages of a Bible coloring book and gave them out to people, so thanks to Kehn for giving me his. Times New Viking and Terribly Empty Pockets allowed the rock to flow forth continuously, and a grand time was had by all. At the same time, it's a good thing that people only have one birthday a year.

On Wednesday, Andy's actual birthday, the Nappiest One and I went to Little Brothers for that ol' hip-hop showcase. Numeric was holding it down as host DJ again, and Detox played some awesome funk and hip-hop as well. Ginsu and Ndcent put on a serious off-the-head 4-turntable set, with Chase Manhatten dropping in some rhymes and hecklings here and there. At one point, Detox played the song that was sampled for Ghostface's "Cherchez La Ghost," and Chase got on the mic and offered a prize to whomever could name the Wu-Tang member who sampled it. Yes, I won a PBR. It was pretty sweet. Tiger Tiger closed out the night with a set that reminded me alot of Do You Want More? era Roots. Unfortunately, Nappy was already sleeping on tables, so it was time to part. Look out for more of these hip-hop showcases at Little Bros. They're usually the first Weds of the month, I guess, and the next one (February 2nd) will be a beat/production battle. Check it! (NOTE: The above pic has nothing to do with this event, except for overall funkiness.)
Alright, I'm out. Keep rootin' for Franz to work at Dick's Den, and all will turn out fine.
fan freaking tastic. The jet's in for some heavy checks right now, but it should be gassed and ready to go for the rumble in the ravari. Bring on the 04 review!
Yeah, nobody said the "Don Slaught" was going to be pretty. Andy, I'm glad you dug that reference because NOBODY else was going to. Sidenote: 80s ballplayers are popping up as members on local forums these days. In the last week, Donewaiting has had posts from Wade Boggs, and Omnimix has had a few from...Bob Horner!
Abele, get that jet moving! And bring some Black Keys on vinyl, eh?
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