No, I still haven't summed up my latest year of gluttonous, nonsensical CD (and vinyl, but I didn't get much 2004 music on vinyl) purchases with my first Year-End List. I feel justified in waiting until the actual calendar year is over, so I guess it's time to get to business. Soon. Instead, read David's Top 20 albums and Top 200 (!!!!!!!!!!!!) singles here. I don't think I even know 50 of those songs. 80 tops.
Retreating Back Into 2004
On Thursday, Andy and I caught the Fat Girls By the Snack Table and Marvin the Robot show at Bernie's, which was a fine show. I'm still not a big fan of ol' Marvin, but I liked his stuff a little more than the last time I saw him. The Fat Girls (now officially a two-piece, thanks for the tip, Gretchen!) rocked lots of old and new jams. I can't wait for the album! I hear there was a fight later (according to the fat-diary), but luckily we missed it.
Wednesday night, Andy and I attended the Ohio Hip-Hop Showcase at Little Brother's. Attendance was a bit sparse, which was unfortunate, but we still had a good time. We got to see Numeric, Drastic & Phazo, and some of Ginsu & Ndcent's (w/ help from Chase Manhatten on the mic) set. There will be another jam tomorrow (Weds, the 5th) at Little Brothers, make it to this one!

Monday night, I went for dolo and rocked the first of two hip-hop shows for the week at Little Brothers. SA Smash headlined and were decent in their return to their hometown. Though the crowd was pretty big, they weren't very amped, and Camu and Metro didn't react very well (boredom, complaining). But I moshed to "Illy" and some of the new songs sounded good, so it was cool. The openers (Mike Blast w/DJ Self, Tyreless Won (from Cleveland), Flip the Early Riser, & Chase Manhatten) were squeezed into about an hour, unfortunately, but the locals rocked it well.
Well, that's about all she wrote. Keep rockin' in 2005, and maybe I'll fulfill some of my empty blog promises.
Hip hoppin' showcase sounds good for Wednesday night. You game, playa?
Game, and confused. Since the official bday shindig is a no-go, you want some hip-hop jamz???
Yes, I did. And that's what I got!
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