You know, ups, downs, some laughs. Funniest laugh recently being the COLOSSAL FAIL (rofl, it's that very derivative new new, peep game) that last week's "Grand Relaunch" has been so far. Staying in line with this blog's trends over the last 2-3 years (well, the parts where I was sorta trying), a proclamation was followed by...nothing. And of course, I don't have much for you now either. Want some empty promises? I meeean, I do have a...
Kashal-Tee: "Blood, Sweat & Beers"
Ten year-old Swedish raps? Got 'em! This guy was an old HHI (RIP) superstar that seems to be slowly getting some more material out there. I enjoyed this tune back in college, and thought of it the other day. Of course, it was only on a couple compilation 12-inches, one of which is trying to fetch 80 euros (currently about $118 US) on discogs right now! Since I can't think of any song that I have $118 (plus shipping from Germany) -worth of love for, I turned the hunt in a different direction. After using last.fm to find the three people they know that have EVER listened to the song, the kind Australian I contacted pointed me to Down To Erf, where the track was on a comp for Christmas. Hallelujah! Download and enjoy!
It's taking all of my powers of concentration to post this comment, so I hope that you appreciate it. POWERS OF CONCENTRATION.
Anyway, I think the fact that your previous blog entry sparked such frenzy is a good sign. You had to let that come to a boil before moving on, really. Don't want to flood the marketplace.
my roflcopter crashed into the loller coaster and killed 12 people.
It's just as well. They would have been consumed in the fiery lava of my lolcano a few minutes later. Really, they were spared a worse death.
These comments stink. I vote no-confidence in Andrew Patton RHUBARB RHUBARB RHUBARB
clothes off lol
good show sir
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