Dropping like flies!!!
Reggie Roby, an awesome NFL punter from 1983 to 1999, died today of unknown causes. He was 43. You can read the story here. February is becoming a rough month, ya know?
A year ago, a friend of mine...
...scoffed at me for my desire to have a blog. It's been a year now (the first post was February 19, 2004), and he no longer cares one way or the other. Haha. Seriously though, this bloggin stuff ain't half bad. Thanks to all the people who have read so far, and love to the select few who have commented. It's not too late to join this elite circle (wink wink, nudge nudge). I'm no Grand Lord Nappius, who is constructing such a massive recap that he's allowing me to post mine first and pretend like I had a blog before he did, MWAHAHAHA!!! (I'm sure it'll be a doozy, Nappy!) I'm just gonna say thanks, and keep on rockin'. I suppose I could have used this opportunity to launch some new links and whatnot, but I guess that'll have to wait. However, to celebrate this occasion, I need to have a giveaway. The first person who can tell me the hip-hop group, whom were popular in the mid-80s, that I alluded to in the title of this little blurb wins...AN ENTIRE POST DEDICATED TO THEMSELVES, COURTESY OF ME!!! WHAT A PRIZE!!!!!
Breaking News
CD101 hyped a major concert announcement for yesterday afternoon, and I should have figured it would have been details for CD101 Day, the annual cheap shindig that CD101 throws to celebrate the 101st day of the year (though this year the jam's on the 99th day)! The headliner so far is The Black Keys, and the lineup also includes The Dresden Dolls, The Bravery, and Ash. April 9th at Promowest, 5 bones (damn near double that with Ticketshitter charges). Sorry, Medeski Martin & Wood, when you're competing by offering one band (I think) for $20, it ain't gonna happen.
Show of the Year?

Wow. On Saturday night, Andy and I went to Wooster, where we (eventually) met up with Dusty, Sanz, Danny, and Mikhail (I think), and we ventured to Cleveland to see the awesomeness that is Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings. Damn (it's hot)!!! That was my fifth Daptone Records (check em out here) show, and I think it was my favorite. It was the last night of their tour, and Sharon wasn't lying when she promised they would give everything they had left. Sharon was sweating her way out of her dress and the band was just kickin ass left and right! I was standing in the very front, against the stage, which was awesome. Near the beginning, she was singing to me with one arm around my shoulders! She was definitely right when she said I was scared. Near the end of the show, she had Dusty come on stage and dance with her, which was sweet too. There were four different audience members onstage during the show! Of course, the self-proclaimed "Hoochie Coochie Man" was the king of them all, singin to Sharon and dancin with his wife. They performed some of the old favorites, and alot of stuff from the recently-released Naturally, including the inexplicably funky cover of "This Land is Your Land." Wow, that was a great show. I see that they are listing a Toledo show on 4-20; what better way to celebrate Andy's favorite stoner convention? I mean seriously, I kinda wanna go.
Of course, other rock is not very memorable now. On Friday night, I went by myself to Cafe Bourbon Street for The Lost Sounds, with The Feelers and The Bravado. The Bravado opened; they were OK. I would describe them as a three-piece Bob Log III with more keyboard and greasy 80s, and less blues and rock. But not bad. Memphis' Lost Sounds played second, and kicked out some rockin' keyboard-punk-somethingorother. Freaky good time music. The Feelers closed out with a mildly rockin punk set, but I think I liked them better before at Bernies (who woulda thunk?), oh well. Good timez.
I did it myyyyyyy waaaaaaayyyyyyy
Last night I went with some folks to Restaurant Silla for some fine Korean food and ended up making my debut KARAOKE appearance! As I'm no musical wuss, here are the meaty selections that I sunk my teeth into:
"Suspicious Minds" (Elvis)
"Hey Ya" (duet w/Lee, longest "shake it" section of that song EVER) (Outkast)
"Hangin' Tough" (New Kids On The Block) (Fuckin' right!)
"Holy Diver" (Dio)
"Walk" (Pantera) (R.I.P.)
"We Are The Champions" (Queen)
Helluva time. I might have to start sangin' karaoke more often...
Man, I need my own computer, so I can work on these things more often. Oh well. Keep a lookout for the jams, which could be on and poppin this weekend. I wanna go to Cafe Bourbon St Thursday night for Enemy Love (Boston), Wet Leather (Dayton), and Times New Viking (here). I found out that Wet Leather includes a 2001 Wooster grad, so that would be interesting to see. Go Scots! The weekend is up for grabs. But I'm sure it'll be fun. Oh yeah, shit...
Song of the Week

"New Slang" - The Shins, Oh, Inverted World
Nothing's really jumping out at me today, so...I figured I'd be a lame white kid in 2005 and laud some more praise on the Shins. This song is awesome though. Imjussayinisall.
hear, hear, Andrew-gynous (sorry.) Karoake was a... chilla, Silla, Thriller night!!!
Indeed. Those Koreans(?) were awesome, especially the guy I will refer to as "Thriller." Kehn, you and Lee were also rockin the mic right. A grand time that needs to be repeated soon!
The videos from my phone didn't turn out so well... but you can hear him going at it though! I'm going to try to post them on my site sometime soon.
Sounds like it was a regular happening.
Wow. ABELE WINS, ABELE WINS!!! (DAT'S MY ROOOMMMMAAATE!!!!!) I will begin work on the post dedicated to you post-haste. Keep on commentin, yo!
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