Wednesday, May 28, 2008

100 Days, 100 Nights

What does this post title mean? Is it drawing your attention to more praise and adoration being poured upon Miss Sharon Jones (especially in light of the video above)? No. Is it a reference to the extremely long period in between posts here at Funky Daggers? No. I've been meaning to write a post with this title for a month or so now because I passed 100 days worth of music on the ol' iTunes. It's actually close to 105 now. Pretty disgusting, huh? I scooped a 500 GB backup drive for $90 a couple weeks ago, so I guess I should start moving the lesser music off the PC (or delete it????), but there's something mysteriously appealing about the gluttony of piling as many hours of music as possible into this thing. At least its backed-up now, in preparation for the pending explosion, so when I'm wiping the molten MP3 bits off my face, I can laugh, somewhat. I do have some other music library milestones coming up (200 gigs, 40K songs) soon, so maybe I'll steer the other direction after those. Ha!

Life Is Expensive (or just plain weird)

Saturday May 3rd was a big day for underground hip-hop shows in Columbus. Bottom Brick had a successful (from all first-person accounts I've heard) release party for The Groundbreaking (as reviewed by yours truly here), complete with appearances by Illogic and Blueprint. At Skully's, the My Best Friend's Party hipster dance party crew provided a show headlined by Time Machine (and it was free due to a cancellation from actual hipster rappers Plastic Little). (Andy and) I have wanted to see Time Machine for a long time, mostly because of the magic of "Night Lights." We were supposed to see them on tour with People Under The Stairs at the Grog Shop in 2006, but another bill shuffling (this time caused by a cancellation by the soon-to-be-more-famous Gym Class Heroes) put the boys on stage before we got to town. Here in 2008, the first weekend of May was a reunion of my old frat buddies here in town, so I was not there to welcome the boys in support of their new long-player, Life Is Expensive. Of course, Abele and I dipped from the bro gathering semi-early, so we talked of hitting the Bottom Brick show, but Abele passed out on the couch as soon as he finished his Big Buford. So I went to bed, and slept in pretty late. Throughout the next day, I found out two things:

1. My roommates saw Time Machine perform and said that it was great. Damn.
2. Abele thought he met my roommate's boyfriend as he met a fellow leaving our place Sunday morning. But Katie does not have a boyfriend! It was Jaysonic (white rapper from Time Machine and video above)! He spent the night at my house and I didn't even manage to meet him. Hilarious.

Well, pray for more blogging. And, as always, tell your friends and loved ones that you love and appreciate them while they're still here. RIP Camu Tao.